The network "Ein Herz für NRW" presents current developments in Düsseldorf on 27.08.18

07/31/2018   News

The vision of the translational network "Ein Herz für NRW" is to generate a biohybrid heart as an organ replacement, based on natural, endogenous materials, e.g. cells, and further technical components, e.g. matrices. For this, various partners from science and industry in North Rhine-Westphalia put together their expertise.

[Translate to En:] Ein Herz für NRW

[Translate to En:]

Prof. Stefan Jockenhövel (RWTH Aachen University), who is also a member of the Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), will introduce to topic "Biohybrid Medicine Systems" but as well will give insights into his own research on biohybrid implants. Furthermore, regulatory framework conditions will be discussed during the workshop among others, and various industry partners will introduce themselves. The Stem Cell Network NRW will also give a talk (see full program).

In addition to get insights about current research approaches, the workshop also offers a very good opportunity to find new cooperation partners or further strengthen your current networks. Innovative project ideas could be submitted directly to the Leitmarktwettbewerb LifeSciences.NRW.

The workshop is organized by the Cluster InnovativeMedizin.NRW and will be held in German. More information can be found here. Participation is free of charge.