Under the motto “Connecting Stem Cell Scientists in NRW“ the Stem Cell Network NRW has launched the virtual exchange format “StN Spotlight Series”. The aim of this lecture series is to offer stem cell scientists regular opportunities for networking and exchange. Initiated in spring 2020 as a loose get together by video conference to exchange about the new (working) situation due to the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus, Spotlight has now become an established video lecture series. Every interested stem cell scientist is invited to join.
The Spotlight Series takes place as video conference. The talks are given in English language. Each Spotlight talk starts with a 20-minute lecture after which the speaker is available for questions and there is room for further discussions.
Usually the Spotlight talks take place every 3rd Thursday of the month at 1 pm. No fees are charged for participation, but you must register in advance for the series and acknowledge a confidentiality agreement if you would like to attend the talks. A short abstract of the respective Spotlight talk will be provided by email in the week before the event.
Next Spotlight talks:
If you are interested to join, please contact info[at]stammzellen.nrw.de and we will provide you with the registration link (registration is valid for all throughout the year).
The Spotlight Series comprises three different categories:
At the beginning there was also the category „StN Spotlight: COVID-19 Stammtisch“, which was an open exchange about the current situation and lectures on research approaches related to COVID-19,
e.g. unproven stem cell therapies for COVID-19.
The team of the coordination office is happy to receive contributions. Feel free to contact us if you are interested to present exciting research findings, your new paper or to give insights into the work of your institute.
Is there a new publication in your research group, have you developed/tested a new method or would you like to give insights into your laboratory? Please contact the coordination office if you would like to contribute to one of the next Spotlights. We are happy to receive any topic suggestions.