Workshop "Stem Cells Meet Clinical Trials"

On  July 01, 2021 the Stem Cell Network NRW and the Cluster Medizin.NRW jointly invited to an online workshop in the framework of "Clinical Trials". 

The aim of the workshop was to promote the exchange between researchers, clinicians and clinical trial centers. In addition, patients and other relevant users will be involved. This dialogue is intended to improve the quality of clinical trials and systematic reviews.

A concrete incentive for cooperation is provided by the BMBF call for proposals "Guideline for the funding of clinical studies with high relevance for patient care", which, in addition to confirmatory and exploratory clinical studies, also provides for concept development phases that actively involve affected patients.

The program included helpful information about the call, reports from former grantees, insights into centers for clinical trials, and break-out sessions for further networking in various topics.

Networking Sessions (pitches and open discussion):

  • Cancer Diseases
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Neurological Diseases
  • Further Translational Approaches


A joint event of: