Poster Awards

More than 80 scientists were selected by abstracts and invited to contribute to the scientific program presening their research to the participants of the 11. International Meeting in one of the two poster sessions. The best three posters were awarded during the final session.

The prizes are kindly provided by 


Stem Cell Research journal



These are the awardees:

Florian Hermans (1. Place, 500€)

  • Hasselt University, KU Leuven, Laboratory of Tissue Plasticity in Health and Disease, Cluster of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Department of Development and Regeneration, Leuven, Belgium
  • Poster title: “Mouse molar and incisor organoids mirror tooth-type specific features and enable modeling of mature dental epithelium in vitro”

Ayesha Sen (2. Place, 350€)

  • University Clinic Cologne, University of Cologne, Centre for Physiology and Pathophysiology, Cologne, Germany
  • Poster title: “Mitochondrial DNA integrity defines muscle satellite cells determination into skeletal muscle fibres”

Niclas Flosdorf (3. Place, 250€)

  • RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Institute for Biomedical Engineering - Cell Biology, Aachen, Germany
  • Poster title: “Proinflammatory phenotype of iPS cell derived JAK2 V617F megakaryocytes induces fibrosis in a 3D in vitro bone marrow niche”